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Referral URL Builder

We hoped to make life a little easier for you by facilitating a way to generate a valid referral url.

Simply visit the Referral URL Builder within your account.

This will generate working url that can be used on advertising campaigns.

All URL to be eligible to show the feed must pass to us 3 policy requirements:

  • Ad Network - Where you are buying you traffic from (example: Meta, TikTok, Taboola, etc)

  • Monetiser Site - Where you ads are showing, this can be the same as ad network, for example in TikTok or Meta, or this can be the placements, for example in Taboola, Outbrain.

  • Creative Headline - This is the text of your creatives

Without these the feed will not be shown, instead you will see this error message:

Additionally, the url builder helps you set 4 new parameters:

  • Dynamic Terms

    • This is where you can suggest which terms should be shown on your feed

  • S2S

    • If you have more than 1 postback on your account, you can use this to select which postback to show

  • SubID

    • Here you can add any parameters you need to help track your campaigns revenues. These parameters can be retrieved back in the API and S2S Postback

  • Custom Parameters

    • Here you can add any other custom parameters you might need for you tracker or ad network. These can be retrieved in the S2S Postback but not in the API

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