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Getting Started With Referral Traffic

What is Referral Traffic?

“Referral traffic” is the segment of traffic that arrives through another source, like through a link on another domain. Typically this is in reference to ad creatives placed on another site through an ad network.

Why Are You Here?

Using you can drive traffic to your parked domains.

This documentation will assist you in some decision making choices when starting to use referral traffic on the Network.

Getting Started

Creative Recommendations

When creating content make sure it's relevant to the industry and product/service associated with your domains. Interesting, relevant content is more likely to not only attract visitors to your website, but convert them to potential clicks.


For referral traffic, all of these requirements must be met in order for your account to remain in good standing.


You can use many of the features within to track all kinds of metrics.

  • Sub Id Tracking

  • Server to Server Tracking

  • Pixel Tracking

  • API Tracking

Dynamic Terms

Reach out to Us

Reach out to our team via one of the many ways or your account manager to approve your account for referral traffic (required before getting started).

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