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Dynamic Terms

Terms are the keywords displayed on your landing page before a visitor is able to see relevant advertisements. We refer to these as “terms” or “RS terms” (acronym for Related Search terms).

This is especially effective for referral traffic, where traffic source and referring terms are constantly changing, and you want to pass terms in real time. You can pass them to your domain for every visitor in the URL as follows:

CODE First Term,Your Second Term,etc


Here is an example of how that would look like:


Note: Be sure to properly URL encode your search terms, as seen in the above example. To simplify things, we encourage you to use our Referral URL Builder which takes care of properly generating a valid URL with the required parameters. (You must be logged in to use it.)

Passing in search terms does not necessarily mean nor the upstream ad provider(s) will use them. Your terms may or not may be used depending on various factors. It is suggested to experiment and use what works best for your traffic.

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